WELCOME TO Geologists



  • Engineering Geology
  • Principle of engineering Geology is basically define as the branch of human knowledge that uses geologic information combine with practice and experience to assist the engineers  with the solutions of such Problems in which knowledge may be applicable. Or 

    Is the application of principle and method of Geology for the purpose of civil engineering work.

    There are verious branches of engineering Geology.

    Geotechnical Engineering: this is the application of civil engineering technology to some aspects of the earth 

    Soil Mechanic: Is the branch of Geotechnical Engineering concern with engineering mechanics and properties of soils.

    Rock mechanics: Is the engineering mechanics and prosperty of rocks usually but not necessarily the bed rocks.

    Foundation Engineering:  This apply Geology soil Mechanic, rocks mechanics and structural engineering to the design and construction of foundation for civil engineering and other structures. S.I international system of unit is base.

    Different Engineering Geologic processes

    An Aquifer: this is Saturated Geological formation that contains and transmit significant quantity of water under normal field conditions e.g gravel, sand, volcanoes and igneous rocks limestone

    An Aquitard: This is basically a formation with relatively low permeability. Doesn't allow the in and out of water to penetrate into the soil easily just like that ?

    An Aquifuge: This is a formation that doesn't contains or transmit significant amount of water.

    In 17th century it was assume that water in stream could not be from rain fall because Because this quantity was innadequate and the earth two mbervous the earth was no adequate enough to permit water. Philosophers like Thalers, Holmer and Plato thought there stream was fall from sea water conducted below the mountains got purified mad raise to the surface to formed springs. Another scientist Aristotle suggested that air enters Carbinous carbeams in mountains (i.e holes in mountains) where in water which leads to the formation of springs.

    Mountains Received large amount of water that speculate through rocks an dth water emerged at the bottom of the mountains to formed springs Bernard Palissy (1510-1589). Reinstated the infiltration theory in 1580s but guess teaches where ignored.

    A German by name Kepler (1571-1835) believe the earth be a huge animal that causes water from the ocean and digest, assimilate it and discharge it as ground water

    Pierre's parraut (1610-1680) mentioned round-off in the upper river basin and reported that  prinicipitation in the basin was about 6 times the discharged .

    Edmie Marriott (1686) he mad measurements and confine the theory of Pierre parraut he measured the evaporation and confirm that sea evaporation was sufficient to account all streams and springs flow. During the 18th century fundamentals of Geology were established that provided the the basis for understanding the occurrence and movement of groundwater.

    In the 17th century a French hydraulic engineer name (Henry dacy) leave within (1803-1858) he study the movement of water through sand in 1856 and mentioned what is knowned as hydraulic conductivity.

    The circulation of water from the atmosphere towards the earth surface and below the earth surface and back again on the surface and atmosphere is known as hydraulic or water cycles. In essence the water above are below the earth surface is the same  water. The ocean are in reservoir from which all water originate and which all returns however not all water particles are in the process.of completing all the entire hydraulic cycles.

    The cycles is build loops water evaporate from land only to be back again from the ground it's simply water evaporate from the ocean and forms cloud which loves inlands condensed and falls to the earhs through rivers and underground water round-off to the ocean.

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